Krav Maga Yashir Boston - Women's Self-Defense
![Krav Maga Boston - Women's Self-Defense](../style/images/art/kravmagaboston-women.jpg)
Free Women's Self-Defense Program in Boston
Our women's self-defense program, is the SEPS Women's Self Protection Course with a physical Krav Maga Yashir self-defense component that we run for free. We offer seminars that follow a modularized course/program which is broken down into four basic components that are rotated through. Each component/seminar stands alone and is supported by online resources. This means that you can jump in at any seminar/module without having to take them in order. We have designed the program so that it can be worked in to even the busiest schedule.
This is a completely free program, and you will never be charged for attending any of these classes - this is a program that Krav Maga Yashir Boston pays for and is run for the benefit of the community.
Our course teaches basic self-defense and self-protection principles and whilst it doesn't go into the same depth or level of detail that is found in our regular classes it does offer a realistic overview of the typical situations that women can potentially find themselves in and offers straightforward solutions to them.
Since starting this course in 2010, we have trained on average 500 new women a year (and that number is growing), to be able to predict and avoid violence (and many more if we were to count those women who take our regular classes), as well as how to defend themselves from a variety of common assaults, both armed and unarmed. If you would like to increase your survival chances and learn the real story concerning violence and women please book your free class by visiting our dedicated women's self-defense website which can be accessed by clicking here
We don't simply teach women's self-defense as a subset of techniques, training and information that is taken from our regular classes. This course was designed from the bottom up, simplifying and streamlining various solutions, and making them 100% applicable for the potentially violent situations that women today may find themselves in. Rather than teach tired old techniques and repeat well worn (though well meant) pieces of advice, such as "don't walk down dark alleys" etc we take a more educational approach to the subject, providing and detailing information that will aid decision making and empower the individual to make appropriate choices when presented with dangerous situations. The program was designed, and is updated by Head Instructor Gershon Ben Keren, a criminologist, who has been working in the security sector since 1990.
We educate the student as to how violent incidents begin in the first place, develop and the various outcomes that are potentially possible, based on situational components such as: location, the attacker's motive, the attacker's relationship with the person they are attempting to victimize etc. To learn more and see when the next seminar is please use the button below.
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